Diamond Trail FFA
Diamond Trail FFA
What is a SAE?
SAEs are Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs. They are projects that allow student to learn new things which can provide valuable insight into jobs for their future. There are four types of SAEs that you can do: Entrepreneurship, Placement, Agriscience Research and Experimentation, and Exploratory. Then within each group are two subcategories: Improvement projects and Supplemental Skills Development.
Entrepreneurship/ Ownership
Rylee DeHaai - Cattle Entrepreneurship SAE
This SAE is about being a business owner and taking risks that would in the real world. In this type of SAE, you could own your equipment and business or animals. This can show you the financial risks you can face in the society. It also can teach you valuable skills like managing your company or the about hard work that goes into them.
Unpaid & Paid Placement
Gretchen Uitermarkt - Unpaid Placement Community Garden
This SAE area is about working for a business owner. This SAE can be paid or unpaid. It can also be on a farm, in a shop, or somewhere else! The options are limitless. Placement SAEs are meant to get you out into the workforce and to accumulate those one of a kind experiences. It also is meant for you to develop skills in many work fields.
Agriscience Research and Experimentation
Trey Voeller - Agriscience Project Natural Alternatives For Preservatives
This SAE is based around science and research areas. In this, you will conduct some sort of scientific experiment in agriculture. During this, you will have to use your scientific knowledge to answer some question you may have such as: what happens if I feed some of my pigs only corn and some only soymeal?
Chase Van Wyngarden - Farm Exploratory
In this SAE, you will learn and become aware of agriculture. This SAE is meant to ease new members into FFA and raise interest in the agricultural field. This SAE can also be used as a guide for the member’s future SAEs. The basis of this SAE revolves around discovering the many parts of agriculture and FFA association!